Digital Armed Forces is an online community for Hackers, Gamers, and Technology Enthusiasts with the focus on educating everyone about computer/network security and technology.

"Security is a process, not a product." — Bruce Schneier

Currently the Digital Armed Forces website is a random collection of how-to guides which help to educate people on the uses, suggested security features, and software for Linux, BSD, Microsoft Windows, and Apple Mac OSX. In time, the hope of the Digital Armed Forces members is to move beyond basic tutorials and move into more in-depth analysis of software, security threats, and risk mitigation. This may include more tutorials, group projects, social experiments, opinionated blog posts, and even penetration testing.

Hacking is the process of finding ways to circumvent limitations. This includes software, networking, hardware and even people, but is the fundamental essence of innovation. Everyday, people are reasearching and developing solutions for todays problems.

Too much specialization breeds in weakness. By educating others, the members (community leaders) inevitably expand their own knowledge of the subject. We are not experts, but strive to understand as much as we can about whatever we can. Each member of the community brings his/her set of strengths and weaknesses. By sharing and communicating we hope to strengthen our minds.

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense" — Buddha

The Digital Armed Forces Forums are provided as a means to communicate with each other. Please come, register for the forums and participate in discussions. Come to talk about the cool electronics you own, websites you've seen, programs you've written, games you play, or ideas you have.

Community Leaders

  • d31373
  • Patriot
  • SoBeTRoLL
  • Anubis
  • mofu
  • hachottis